*********** Workers *********** In order to perform more tasks, perform tasks more precisely and in-time, Workers interact with TaskQueues. Workers always listen to multiple TaskQueues or no Queue at all. When a task is feeded to TaskQueue, based on eligibility, capability and role of a Worker, a task is assigned to Worker to perform it. For example, a Worker can be a person in a call center, a web service endpoint that listens to instructions, or an expert fixing the system failure. Worker Properties ------------------ .. list-table:: Properties :widths: 25 50 :header-rows: 1 * - field - description * - **sid** - The unique string that we created to identify the Worker resource. * - **account_sid** - The SID of the Account that created the Worker resource. * - **workspace_sid** - The SID of the Workspace that contains the Worker * - **available** - Whether the Worker is available to perform tasks. * - **friendly_name** - The string that you assigned to describe the resource. Friendly names are case insensitive, and unique within the Rindap Workspace. * - **attributes** - A JSON String for describing the Worker and its features such as skills and information. This value is used for deciding which TaskQueues the Worker can receive Tasks from * - **activity** - This Activity determines the Worker's current state in the system, as well as whether the Worker can accept new Task assignments. There are 4 types of Activities a Worker can be set to: #. idle: the Worker is availabe and is waiting for Task Assignments #. busy: the Worker is not available. The Worker is set to this Activity when a Reservation for this Worker is accepted. #. offline: the Worker is not available. #. reserved: This is a system Activity. At this stage, the Worker is paired with a Task and a reservation is created. * - **date_created** - The date and time in GMT when the resource was created, specified in ISO 8601 format. * - **date_status_changed** - The date and time in GMT when the Activity of the Worker was last updated, specified in ISO 8601 format. * - **date_updated** - The date and time in GMT when the resource was last updated, specified in ISO 8601 format. * - **url** - The absolute URL of the resource * - **links** - The URLs of related resources. Worker Attributes ------------------ A worker's attributes are used to simply and accurately represent a working entity on Rindap. These attributes can be skills and information about a person , in the case of a human Worker. Or it can be some identifying data and hard-coded parameters for a digital entity like a web service. When populating this field, you should keep in mind that the value in some of these fields might be used for creating the TaskQueue relations of this Worker, according to the `worker_requirements` field of TaskQueues , which is simply a JsonLogic rule. For example , a worker with attributes such as the one below: .. code-block:: json { "name" : "john doe", "age": 44, "department" : "support", "location": "Utah" } would be receiving Tasks from a TaskQueue with worker_requirements as such: .. code-block:: json { "==":[{"var":"department"},"support"] } Because the requirement rules for the TaskQueue would be matching the attributes of the Worker. .. note:: **Understanding the "requirements vs attributes" model is fundamental.** With this **requirements vs attributes** model,you do not need to point out which TaskQueues a Worker needs to receive Tasks from or which Workers are suitable for the Tasks in a TaskQueue. When you create a Worker , the Worker will automatically be receiving Tasks from appropriate TaskQueues. And when attributes of a Worker are updated, the Workers related TaskQueues are updated accordingly. The same goes for TaskQueues : When requirements for a TaskQueue are updated , the related Workers for the TaskQueue are updated. Create A Worker ---------------- .. http:post:: /v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/{WorkspaceSID}/Workers You can create a Worker by simply providing a FriendlyName .. list-table:: Query Parameters :widths: 20 15 5 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Default - Description * - **WorkspaceSID** - String - "" - The SID of the `Workspace` * - **FriendlyName** - String - "" - Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long * - **Activity** - String - "" - (optional) Activity for the created ``Worker`` to be assinged to. If not provided , The ``default_activity`` for the ``Workspace`` will be used * - **Attributes** - String - "" - A URL-encoded JSON string with the features and skills of a Worker. This value is used for deciding which TaskQueues the Worker can receive ``Task`` s from. * - **RateLimitProfileSid** - String - "" - (optional) The SID of the RateLimitProfile for overseeing the maximum rate of reservations this Worker can have hourly. For more information see :ref:`ratelimitprofiles` Example code pieces using SDKs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Shell** .. code-block:: shell curl -X POST https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/Workers \ --data-urlencode 'FriendlyName=my test worker' -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" **Java** .. code-block:: java // Install the Java helper library from rindap.com/docs/java/install import com.rindap.Rindap; import com.rindap.rest.v1.workspace.Worker; public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at rindap.com/console public static void main(String[] args) { Rindap.init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID","YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); Worker w = Worker.creator("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setFriendlyNameAttributes("my test worker") .create(); System.out.println(w); } } **Phyton** .. code-block:: python from rindap.rest import Client from rindap.rest import Rindap # Authenticate client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client) # Get Workspace with workspace_sid workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") # Create a worker worker = workspace.workers.create("My New Worker", activity="idle", task_queues=["WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"], rate_limit_profile_sid="RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") # Print content of worker print("FriendlyName: {}".format(worker.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(worker.sid)) **JS** .. code-block:: javascript var Rindap = require('rindap'); // Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Crate a worker rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers .create({ friendlyName: "Friendly Worker Name" , activity: "idle", rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", taskQueues: ["WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"] }, function(err, worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); }); **C#** .. code-block:: csharp using System; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using Rindap; using Rindap.Rest.V1; using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Create a worker var worker = WorkerResource.Create( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Worker", activity: "offline", taskQueues: new String[] { "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }, rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ); // Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } } **The above command returns JSON structured like this:** .. code-block:: json { "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "queues": [ "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ], "activity": "offline", "available": false, "friendly_name": "my test worker", "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "url": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "links": { "workspace": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } Get All Workers ----------------- .. http:get:: /v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/{WorkspaceSID}/Workers This endpoint retrives all Workers .. list-table:: Query Parameters :widths: 20 15 5 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Default - Description * - **WorkspaceSID** - String - "" - The SID of the `Workspace` * - **FriendlyName** - String - "" - (optional) Human readable friendly name. Can be used for filtering * - **PageSize** - Integer - 50 - Page size for paging * - **Page** - Integer - 0 - Page number for paging Example code pieces using SDKs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Shel** .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers \ -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" **Java** .. code-block:: java // Install the Java helper library from rindap.com/docs/java/install import com.rindap.Rindap; import com.rindap.rest.v1.workspace.Worker; public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at rindap.com/console public static void main(String[] args) { Rindap.init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID","YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); Worker.Reader reader = TaskQueue.reader("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"); for(Worker w:reader.read()) System.out.println(w); } } **Phyton** .. code-block:: python from rindap.rest import Client from rindap.rest import Rindap client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client) workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") worker_fetcher = workspace.workers.list(limit=10, page_size=5) worker = worker_fetcher.pop() print("FriendlyName: {}".format(worker.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(worker.sid)) **JS** .. code-block:: javascript var Rindap = require('rindap'); // Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Get all workers rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers .list({ limit: 100, pageSize: 100, }, function(err, workers) { workers.forEach( function(worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); }); }); **C#** .. code-block:: csharp using System; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using Rindap; using Rindap.Rest.V1; using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Get all workers var workers = WorkerResource.Read( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", limit: 100, pageSize: 100 ); foreach (var worker in workers) { // Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Worker SID : " + worker.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } } } **The above commands return JSON structured like this:** .. code-block:: json { "meta": { "page_size": 50, "page": 0, "first_page_url": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers?Page=0&PageSize=50", "previous_page_url": null, "url": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers?Page=0&PageSize=50", "key": "workers", "next_page_url": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers?Page=1&PageSize=50" }, "workers": [ { "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "queues": [ "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ], "activity": "offline", "available": false, "friendly_name": "my test worker", "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "url": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "links": { "workspace": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } ] } Fetch A Worker ----------------- .. http:get:: /v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/{WorkspaceSID}/Workers/{WorkerSID} This endpoint fetches a single Worker with all Its details .. list-table:: Query Parameters :widths: 20 15 5 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Default - Description * - **WorkspaceSID** - String - "" - The SID of the `Workspace` * - **WorkerSid** - String - "" - The SID of the Worker Example code pieces using SDKs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Shell** .. code-block:: shell curl -X GET https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ /Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" **Java** .. code-block:: java // Install the Java helper library from rindap.com/docs/java/install import com.rindap.Rindap; import com.rindap.rest.v1.workspace.Worker; public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at rindap.com/console public static void main(String[] args) { Rindap.init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID","YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); Worker w = Worker .fetcher("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .fetch(); System.out.println(w); } } **Phyton** .. code-block:: python from rindap.rest import Client from rindap.rest import Rindap client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client) workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") worker = workspace.workers.get("WKdc8c97f1e1c24410ae08605ff6e5d946").fetch() print("FriendlyName: {}".format(worker.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(worker.sid)) **JS** .. code-block:: javascript var Rindap = require('rindap'); // Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Get a workers with sid rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").fetch( function(err, worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); }); **C#** .. code-block:: csharp using System; using Rindap; using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Get a worker with SID var worker = WorkerResource.Fetch( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ); // Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Worker SID : " + worker.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } } **The above command returns JSON structured like this:** .. code-block:: json { "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "queues": [ "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ], "activity": "offline", "available": false, "friendly_name": "my test worker", "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "url": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "links": { "workspace": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } Update A Worker ------------------- .. http:put:: /v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/{WorkspaceSID}/Workers/{WorkerSID} .. list-table:: Query Parameters :widths: 20 15 5 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Default - Description * - **WorkspaceSID** - String - "" - The SID of the `Workspace` * - **WorkerSid** - String - "" - The SID of the Workspace with the Worker to update * - **FriendlyName** - String - "" - (optional) Human readable friendly name. It can be 512 characters long * - **Activity** - String - "" - (optional) Activity for `Worker`. A worker needs to be in `idle` activity to receive a suitable `Task` * - **Attributes** - String - "" - A URL-encoded JSON string with the features and skills of a Worker. This value is used for deciding which TaskQueues the Worker can receive Tasks from. When you update this value , the related TaskQueues of this Worker are updated * - **RateLimitProfileSid** - String - "" - (optional) The SID of the new `RateLimitProfile` for the `Worker` Example code pieces using SDKs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Shell** .. code-block:: shell curl -X PUT https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ /Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ --data-urlencode 'Activity=idle' \ --data-urlencode 'TaskQueues=WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \ --data-urlencode 'AssignmentStatus=pending' \ -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" **Java** .. code-block:: java // Install the Java helper library from rindap.com/docs/java/install import com.rindap.Rindap; import com.rindap.rest.v1.workspace.Worker; public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at rindap.com/console public static void main(String[] args) { Rindap.init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID","YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); Worker w = Worker .updater("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .setActivity("idle") .addTaskQueue("WQ11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .addTaskQueue("WQ22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .update(); System.out.println(w); } } **Phyton** .. code-block:: python from rindap.rest import Client from rindap.rest import Rindap client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client) workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") worker = workspace.workers.get("WKdc8c97f1e1c24410ae08605ff6e5d946") wk = worker.update(friendly_name="New Worker Name", activity="idle") print("FriendlyName: {}".format(wk.friendly_name)) print("WorkerSid: {}".format(wk.sid)) **JS** .. code-block:: javascript var Rindap = require('rindap'); // Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Update a workers rindap.workspaces('WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') .workers("WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").update({ friendlyName: "New Friendly Worker Name" , activity: "offline", rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", taskQueues: ["WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"] } ,function(err, worker) { console.log(worker.sid); console.log(worker.friendlyName); console.log(worker.activity); console.log(worker.rateLimitProfileSid); console.log(worker.taskQueues); }); **C#** .. code-block:: csharp using System; using Rindap; using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Update a worker with SID var worker = WorkerResource.Update( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", rateLimitProfileSid: "RLxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", friendlyName: "New Friendly Name", taskQueues: new string[] { "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } ); // Print content of worker Console.WriteLine("Worker SID : " + worker.Sid); Console.WriteLine("Friendly Name : " + worker.FriendlyName); Console.WriteLine("Activity : " + worker.Activity); Console.WriteLine("TaskQueues : " + string.Join(",", worker.TaskQueues)); Console.WriteLine("RateLimitProfileSid: " + worker.RateLimitProfileSid); } } **The above command returns JSON structured like this:** .. code-block:: json { "sid": "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "account_sid": "ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "workspace_sid": "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "queues": [ "WQ00xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQ11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WQ22xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ], "activity": "idle", "available": true, "friendly_name": "my test worker", "date_created": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "date_updated": "2020-05-04T11:03:41+03:00", "url": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "links": { "workspace": "https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } Delete A Worker ------------------ .. http:delete:: /v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/{WorkspaceSID}/Workers/{WorkerSID} .. list-table:: Query Parameters :widths: 20 15 5 60 :header-rows: 1 * - Parameter - Type - Default - Description * - **WorkspaceSID** - String - "" - The SID of the `Workspace` * - **WorkerSID** - String - "" - The SID of the Worker Example code pieces using SDKs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Shell** .. code-block:: shell curl -X DEL https://api.rindap.com/v1/rindap-rest-gw/Workspaces/WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \ /Workers/WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -H "Authorization: Bearer {YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID}.{YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded" **Java** .. code-block:: java // Install the Java helper library from rindap.com/docs/java/install import com.rindap.Rindap; import com.rindap.rest.v1.workspace.Worker; public class Example { // Find your Account Sid and Token at rindap.com/console public static void main(String[] args) { Rindap.init("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID","YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); Worker.deleter("WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") .delete(); } } **Phyton** .. code-block:: python from rindap.rest import Client from rindap.rest import Rindap client = Client("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN") rindap = Rindap(client) workspace = rindap.workspaces.get("WSb9d8cf8597f64f77a45666c4c0263862") if workspace.workers.get("WK369cfb99700446dea18fcabbd9f1a68c").delete(): print("Worker has been deleted") **JS** .. code-block:: javascript var Rindap = require('rindap'); // Authenticate var rindap = new Rindap("YOUR_ACCOUNT_SID", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Delete a workers with sid rindap.workspaces('WS70cdccad050a41619162db0f32b7fc43') .workers("WK2b9748b550ee40a2bd010f06c78511e3").remove(); **C#** .. code-block:: csharp using System; using Rindap; using Rindap.Rest.V1.Workspace; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // Authenticate RindapClient.Init("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN", "YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN"); // Delete a worker with SID var isDeleted = WorkerResource.Delete( pathWorkspaceSid: "WSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", pathSid: "WKxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ); if (isDeleted) { Console.WriteLine("Worker has been deleted!"); } } }